
In The Beginning

There was sound but no words

When Adrien stumbled into Neko’s studio late one night, she found a compatible spirit. Their collaboration has produced some ambient and noise music along with  basically structured tunes. Songwriter, guitar and keys player, Adrien's prior project was the Somerset Rae album "Open Up My Sky," followed by a stint playing Los Angeles clubs with the rock band  The Navs.  Neko plays bass and has toured in many bands, most recently with The Free 99s.  He also plays pedal steel, and is a sound engineer who has helped numerous artists record their work professionally. 


Neko and Adrien have played and recorded music together for many years.  When the desire to share the music began to exert pressure, there was a breakdown of harmony !  The 2 could not agree on 1 name under which to promote their sound.  Adrien fretted obsessively and pushed for her made -up word:  AxZume*, meaning  everything from A to Z including U and Me." Neko, dumbfounded by her footnotes, held stubbornly  to his favorite, Tally and The Whackers. 

Fortunately, shift happened prior to playing their first full length show. 

They agreed on Cat's Pajamas--taken of course!  Neko roused from snooze position over this naming dilemna, found an image of a cat in a Mao suit prompting  Adrien to think up cat's jacket.  "I like to think of the name conjuring the phrase cat's pajamas..." but from the inside with a positive spin on the idea."   She explains, "I took out the possessive apostrophe and added another t (for a reason) and thereby created CattJacket meaning how you feel when you feel great and close to something cool--a favorite jacket can be many things,  comfortable, soothing, protective--energizing like music and songs you return to again and again.  

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